The Sonoi 's day out :)

Assalamualaikum to ALL MUSLIMs and Hai hai to ALL NON muslims :)

sorry for the ZERO entry in my blog nowadays .
i just don't have any idea to share with you guys ..
but today , i'd like to share something ..
i went out with my best friend ..
they are like my family =) we had known each other since secondary school..
except zety and eca , i had known them since i was in primary school.

actually we were 8 people in a group ,
Alin (me) , Tasa , Zety , Ecah , Fara , Sara , Ain , Hana ...
Unfortunately , we can only gathered 4 people out of 8 ..

so , 11 - 11 - 11 is the day we had chosen to meet up again :)

me , tasa , eca , zety
part of The Sonoi's

me and tyty , my loviedovie counselor =) hihi

me and tasa , my hothot gossipgirl =)

me and eca , my spicy-attractive girlfriend =)

the GIRLFRIENDS were busy with their phone ..

so we met at MidValley ..
sorry to Tasa and Eca because they had to wait for me and zety for about 1 hour ..
zety had something to do before she can joined us.

so , at MidValley , nothing much we did ,
only chitchatting and gossiping lots of hot gossips ..
make 'LOL' at starbucks ...
and there was a big discussion about eca ..
we just want the best for you babe ! don't misunderstood it ok.

eerr i think that's all we did ? kindda boring rite ?
haha , no actually ! its fun because we can spent lots of time together ..
heee love them so much 

Bytheway , miss you girlss so much ..
I'm not sure when we can gather all of our members...

The Sonoi's :-

Aleen (me) - UITM Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam

Tasha - KPM Beranang

Zety - UTHM , Johor

Eca (aiai) - UITM Pulau Pinang

Farah - Alfa International College

Sarah - UITM Shah Alam (induk)

Ain - UITM Puncak Alam , Shah Alam

Hana - University of Malaya

because of this 'further study' things, it has made us more difficult to meet ..
so i hope , one day we all can gather ... Especially hana ..
since she moved to Sabak Bernam (2006) .. we did not meet again ..
miss you...

p/s : hee , sorry for the grammar mistake and the 'not-proper' sentence arrangement.. (X_x) i'm trying to improve my english writing.. hikhikhik.

written by azleenfarahim

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