who am I ?

why my entry for this time started with a question mark ?

It is all because i also don't even really know who am i actually.
this is really frustrating for me. because if i don't really know who i am . what about my friends and family ?
-______-' so , its really really make me sick when i'm start to think about it.

so here i am , to let myself and my friends know who i am .

I AM ..

  • Seorang yang suka bercakap . 
Bila ? 
Bila aku bosan . aku akan bercakap nonstop. kadang-kadang benda mengarut-mengarut pun ada. but , even mengarut pun . tatasusila tetap dijaga. sebab ? orang akan cepat annoying bila kita asyik cakap bnda yang tak masuk akal and terlalu KELAUT >,<'

Dengan siapa ?
Dengan orang yang aku dah kenal lama . bila aku dah jumpa and betul-betul kenal orang tu . Mula-mula akan control cara percakapan , sebab benda tu mcm baru nak kenal kan ? baru nak tahu org tu mcm mana, boleh tak kita ckp mcm tu dkt dia semua. so lain orang , lain cara percakapan nya :) berADAB lah katakan.
  • Seorang yang periang . 
Maksud ?
Periang disini bagi aku bermaksud , suka sesuatu yang hanya buat hati ini gembira . Kau ajak lah aku keluar pegi mana-mana pun , if benda tu mmg boleh buat kau gelak besar ketawa mcm orang gila senyum sampai ketelinga . Mmg aku ON je. 
  • Seorang yang tak suka main dengan emosi .
Maksud ?
Aku memang MALAS gila bab-bab emosi ni. sebab aku tak reti nak control. Mood aku senang sesuka hati dia je nak swing mana mana. 

kalau masa tu aku malas nak sembang . mmg aku 'oh yeke.' 'okay' 'sukati lah' 'lantak lah' or kadang-kadang hilang terus. 

kalau masa tu aku nak marah . mmg terlepas lah semua perkataan yg kurang senang didengari spt 'pergi mati lah kau' 'aku dah fedup' 'F**k you' 'macam s*al' 
>>kalau lah aku dah mcm ni, tolong jgn naikkan kemarahan lagi sebab benda tu akan lebih teruk =__="

kalau masa tu aku rasa nak happy . mmg semua orang aku ajak lepak. pegi shopping. keluar dgn semua kawan. sembang nonstop , karaoke dan mcm2 lagi.


Kawan :-

aku ada ramai kawan , bukan nak membanggakan diri . but , this is who i am. aku seorang yang memang suka berkawan. kau campak lah aku kat mana , insyaAllah aku akan cari kawan. mula-mula mmg susah. tapi bila dah kenal. semua jadi OK :) fyi , kawan laki dan perempuan aku sama banyak. since sekolah , bila my best girlfriends semua berpecah . aku rapat dengan kawan-kawan lelaki aku. thats why, whatever happens i'll NEVER FORGET my friends , they helped me alot.

so the B O Y F R I E N D S ,

they are really really being great to me. they treat me really well :) 
one of my bestfriends , zuhair .. dia pernah cakap 
" aleen , aku rasa aku treat kau mcm semua kawan lelaki aku . sebab aku tak rasa kau mcm perempuan "
yea , maybe a bit HAMPEH disitu. but its okay, sebab dia boleh terima aku. thats why , aku sayang semua kawan lelaki aku. i'll never forget you guys ! Masa aku tak ada special boyfriend , disitu lah dorang ada . Thanks alot. aku tak pernah harap dorang treat aku lebih sebab aku perempuan. Dorang treat aku mcm yang lain2 .

so the G I R L F R I E N D S ,

i have a lot of girlfriends ,
dorang lah buat aku gelak. dorang lah buat aku menyampah. dorang lah buat aku sedih. dorang lah yang tolong aku dalam selesaikan masalah2 aku. Thanks alot :) love korang. 
best girlfriend? hmm , the sonoi's , the housemates', and a lot more . thanks for your understanding and bertahan dengan kegedikan saya :)

Keluarga :-
  • Seorang anak manja ? mungkin lah . =______="
  • Seorang anak yang panas baran ? AGAK LAH.
yang lain-lain malas nak cakap dkt sini sebab , nanti kalau dah kenal aku lebih rapat . korang tahu lah >,<'

Perhubungan :-

For me , a special boyfriend is the one who i can talk maturely . i can laugh with . i can smile with . i can hangout with . he should be the one who can lend me his shoulder when i need it . he should be the one who can accept me for who i am . he should be the one who can accept all my friends . he should be the one who can chillex with all my friends . he should be the one who bring me to the truth . and the most important thing , he should be the one who never make me cry and annoy

aku bukan seorang yang romantik , aku bukan seorang yang reti nak pujuk-pujuk ni , aku bukan seorang yang boleh sabar kalau dah asyik buat hal je. sekali dua boleh lah.
aku seorang yang simple. i just want a simple relationship . 
I mean with S I M P L E RELATIONSHIP are , 
  • tak perlu stick with each other all the time . for me, u have your own sweet life and i have mine
  • trust are needed ! 
  • lovable .
  • no controlling in a relationship .
  • understanding .
  • talk something yg understandable . 
  • and and no disturbing all my friends and family with our relationship problems.
for me , a sweet thing is something that are unexpected . something that never done before and suddenly we do it. it is not something that we always do -.-'
for example , in a relationship we never hold hand . and suddenly you hold my hand for a few minutes. 
doesn't it sweet guyss??
thats all , is it hard ? no right ?

so , this is who i am. okay , as a conclusion ,

- kuat bercakap - suka hu ha hu ha - tak suka beremosi - suka berkawan - manja >,< - panas baran - tak romantic - tak reti pujuk +_+ - tak penyabar - tak suka dikongkong -

i am who i am :)
People , please don't you ever judge a book by its cover .
you really need to look at inside , read it , and then judge it .
sometimes something that are beautiful outside , may be the ugliest inside 
and vice versa .

so , you may have to know me personally then you can 'judge' me.
this entry is all about what I think about myself , i don't even know what people think about myself .
so , if you know me , you can compare what you see from me with what i wrote here .

T H A N K S  F O R  R E A D I N G .

written by azleenfarahim 

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