semester tiga sudah

SEMESTER 3 started !

this was my reaction .

O M G !! O M G !!

it was too early for me. i only had 3weeks holiday. and seriously its not enough !!
but , aku kena masuk jugak balik UiTM dihatiku ini.

so , the first week started with ...

class cancel . there's no lecturer for the subject . what subject to take for koko -.-'
and this is what i'm going to learn through out this third semester
  • BEL 311 - English for Academic Purposes
  • MAF 280 - Costing System and Planning
  • MKT 243 - Fundamentals of Marketing
  • LAW 240 - Introduction to Commercial Law
  • AIS 280 - Computerized Accounting
  • CTU 231 - Fundamentals of Islamic Accounting
  • FAR 200 - Financial Accounting 3
  • HSK 111 - Sport Event Management
so , for this semester , i have about 5 subjects reading and 2 subjects calculating and another one i don't know it is categories in what type -.-'

and seriously i'm fail with my reading and remembering stuff  >,<""

so, bila aku dapat tahu yang aku kena belajar LAW ! aku macam. DAMN !! aku tak pernah terpikir langsung benda tu .

nak tahu first day dalam class law ? 
  • yang menguap , menguap
  • yang tertido , tertido
  • yang makan , makan
  • yang bersembang , sembang.
nak tahu aku masuk yang mana ? SEMUA SEKALI lah gyla !!
sampai ke habis aku cakap ,

"aku tak pernah terpikir akan belajar law !"

hmm , but for me .. its okay ! i'll try my best.
because of my last sem's result was REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD
*i mean it was really really suck!
so , aku berTEKAD nak belajar dgn lebih tekun and put a strong effort on it !

because of this , i'm SO SORRY coz aku akan jarang sangat update blog.
aku akan update bila betul betul free sahaja.

and for your information , i am now just passed my week two of this third semester and i've got a lot of homework and things to be done.

i hope everyone understand our situation.
[our : semua pelajar semester 3 perakaunan fast track puncak perdana]

written by azleenfarahim

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